I don't really advertise that I sell gift cards but after working on this session, I thought what a great gift to get a gift of memories! A friend (and client) of mine asked me early this year if I sell gift cards.. She said she's been looking to get a gift for a family friend but couldn't really think of anything to give them. Recipient called me last month to book the family session, and was happy to meet this beautiful(and busy) family of 5! While editing these I thought.. what a great gift to give and get.. Family "D", I hope I was able to capture the love and your 'life' in the fall of 2011! :)
First the kids.. :) ... the non-stop E! :)

... the handsome "N", who had to be attached to mommy at all times! :)
... and little miss gorgeous E! She was the star of the shoot.. All smiles and just very sweet! :)
... I can see that she's already daddy's little girl! :)

.. and mommy's too! :)

... and finally, the entire crew.. :)