
Friday, April 29, 2011

Twins J & W @ 26 days! :)

This Tuesday was a big day for me. It was my baby's (my 2 year old son) first day at daycare! It was bittersweet but my heart tells me he is ready. Now, if he will only eat the lunch provided at daycare, then I'll feel better. It seems that he refuses to eat his lunch! :( Good thing he eats fruit, just not the main course. The teachers there promised me that he'll get used to it sooner than later. :)

What to do while he's at daycare? I can give you a list! :) But that day.. I met 26 day old twins J and W! :) Sweet boys! I always say that newborn photography is my favorite of all! It is so much fun to work with a newborn. So sweet and often I find myself smiling as I watch their facial expressions.  Technically, the twins are no longer newborns.. But they were still sleepy enough for me to take these pictures.. :)

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